Difficulty: Insane

Rating: 5/5

Duration: 4-5hr / 7km

Accessibility: Car

yak peak


Yak Peak is personally one of the top three hikes I have ever been on, with its relatively easy access and beautiful scenery from top to bottom. Along with its incredible challenge makes it one of the most complete hikes we have reviewed on this site and an absolute must do. Located on the Coquihalla Hwy about a 2 hour drive from Kelowna it is one heck of a day trip.

The hike begins at the Zopkios Brake check area, walk East along the highway back up the Exit ramp until you find yourself walking beside a concrete divider. Shortly before the divider ends, a path will emerge to your left heading down the embankment. You will cross a small marshy area laced with creeks and from there you begin moving up a dense forest. Be careful of seasonal growth because it is easy to lose the path moving through this section. From there the trees open up to what is basically a massive field of boulders. You will spend this section jumping from rock to rock before you come to “the wall” the most iconic part of the hike that massive granite slab is a mecca for local rock climbers but for hiking purposes it very dangerous, look out for small amounts of gravel on the solid rock base because they act like marbles and are easy to slip on. As you venture up past the tree line was will be treated to open fields and eventually what remains of the once mighty glaciers that created the valley you were hiking. After that it is off to the peak itself and one of the most beautiful panoramic views of the Rockies you will ever see.

Looking South over the Coquihalla you will see views of Needle Peak, another absolutely amazing hike in the area and one of my personal favourites. Along with Flatiron farther to the Southwest. 


This hike is approximately 2 hours 10 minutes drive from Kelowna, or 2 hours 15 minutes from Vancouver.

  1. Driving from Kelowna, head over the bridge going South on Highway 97 towards Vancouver.
  2. Once you reach Merrit, turn onto Highway 5 South towards Vancouver.
  3. Drive for 70.0km until you see Exit 217 for Zopkios Brake Check.
  4. Pull in here and park.
  5. To reach the trailhead, start walking back East along the shoulder of the highway.
  6. As you walk along the divider, the trail will turn left down the embankment about 50m before the end of the divider near a large stone cairn.

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GPS Coordinates:


  • Large granite wall
  • Climbing area
  • Rope assisted
  • Mountain views
  • Summit