Difficulty: hard

Rating: 5/5

Duration: 14-hr or 2-days / 18km

Accessibility: Car

Iceline Trail (Yoho)


The Iceline trail in Yoho marks the first big backpacking trip we did as a group back in October of 2016, and it really opened our eyes to the advantages of multi-day hikes. The Iceline trail, and Yoho Valley in general offers an excellent opportunity for new backpackers to try out their gear in a low risk environment. With an approximate 800m elevation differential over 18km the trail has an overall very gradual incline.

As you take any variation of the trails in this area, you are bound to pass several stunning waterfalls, creek crossings, and as the weather changes day to day, you are offered different mountain views as cloud cover varies.

Being a very popular national park, you will run into more people on this trail than you would on most backpacking trails, not to say it's crowded but you do have the comfort of knowing that if something were to go wrong, help isn't too far away.

Its good to remember that this is called the "Iceline Trail" for a reason. With a peak elevation around 2250m in the rocky mountains, you will get cold. So pack accordingly and remember to put that extra waterproofing layer on your tent, because early season snow is not out of the question.



This hike is approximately 5 hours 25 minutes drive from Kelowna, 1 hour 15 minutes from Banff, 1 hour 5 minutes from Golden, or 25 minutes from Field.

  1. Starting in Field BC, head East on Highway 1for 3.5km then turn left onto Yoho Valley rd(closed Oct-June). You should see signs for Takakkaw.
  2. Drive approximately 13.5km up this paved road until you come to the parking lot.
  3. Park your vehicle and follow signs to the Iceline Trail from the Takakkaw Falls Campground

Click to view this route on GoogleMaps!

*Note, the GoogleMaps link will just take you to the Yoho Valley rd turnoff.

GPS Coordinates:

  • Yoho Valley rd turnoff: 51.416856, -116.450964
  • Parking area: 51.497408, -116.483814
  • Takakkaw Falls: 51.498677, -116.477704
  • Takakkaw Camping: 51.502196, -116.487537


  • Waterfalls
  • Rivers
  • Canyons
  • Mountain views
  • Camping spots
  • Dog friendly
  • No cell service