Difficulty: hard

Rating: 5/5

Duration: 6-7hr/9km

Accessibility: 4x4 high clearance

joss peak (West Approach)


Joss Peak is one of the most rewarding hikes we've come across in the past few years. With a tough, long climb, and more than a couple false peaks, you really do have to work for the view. 

Located outside of the skiing mecca of Revelstoke near the Three Valley Gap hotel. There lies Wap Lake FSR from which you will begin your logging road journey to the base of the hike. The road starts off rather accessible traveling along the valley floor passing several camp sites, waterfalls (Frog Falls) and lakes. The quality of road will shortly deteroriate as you go up the mountain we recommend 4X4 as well as high clearance

The hike begins uphill from a small clearcut area immediately leading into a fairly dense forest. By the time you reach the forest's edge you'll already be ready for your first break. You'll follow this trail for several kilometres steadily gaining elevation as you go, all the while being constantly teased by the mountain views hidden behind the treetops. After finishing this first ascent, the path will level off for a bit coming to an amazing viewpoint of nearby unnamed peaks.

You'll shortly reach a lush mountain field covered with Indian Paintbrushes which are edible flowers that are pretty tasty if you're looking for a quick snack. As you keep walking you'll eventually turn a corner and see the monster that is Joss Peak jutting up another several hundred meters from your current elevation. The path will begin to fade here and you will see a couple loose markings from the several routes used to reach the summit.

Once you reach the summit you're rewarded with the stunning views of the valley below, filled with winding lakes and rivers that fill the lush valley. As you look along the ridge-line, off in the distance you will see the Joss Mountain Lookout built onto the mountaintop. This is as far as we made it as we were losing daylight and were hoping to avoid walking down in the dark. We ended up walking home in the dark anyway, wouldn't recommend it.



This hike is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes drive from Kelowna, or 40 minutes from Revelstoke.

  1. Driving from Kelowna, head north along Highway 97 towards Revelstoke.
  2. Once you reach Sicamous, head East along Highway 1 for 48.6km.
  3. Turn right onto Wap Lake FSR (Forest Service Road) just before Three Valley Gap. Stop here and reset odometer.
  4. From the highway, drive 6km along Wap Lake FSR. You will pass Frog Falls Campground.
  5. Turn left here onto Bowmann rd. Reset odometer here.
  6. At 2.5km stay left.
  7. At 5.2km stay left.
  8. At 9.3km turn right.
  9. At 10.0km you'll see a clearing with trail markings.
  10. Park here, the trailhead begins up the hill.

Click to view this route on GoogleMaps!

Note the GoogleMaps link will only take you as far as the Bowmann rd. turnoff. Follow remaining direction with GPS points to reach trailhead.

GPS Coordinates:


  • 360 mountain views
  • Summit
  • No cell service
  • Lake views
  • Lookout hut