Difficulty: Medium

Rating: 4.5/5

Duration: 2-3hr / 10km

Accessibility: suv

terrace mountain


Terrace Mountain is a great medium length hike that is accessible as early as mid-May if you are willing to walk through a bit of snow. The path follows an old forestry road up the mountain to a small communications tower. The area provides a look into the 2009 Terrace Mountain fire that spread over most of the area and valley below.

The hike is a gradual incline with stunning views along the entire path. Once you reach the top you'll be amazed at just how far you can see. Being the most prominent peak in the area, you'll have views of Predator Ridge, Christie Falls, and Vernon off in the distance. 


This hike is a 50 minute drive from downtown Kelowna.

  1. Coming from Kelowna drive over the bridge towards West Kelowna.
  2. Take a right at the overpass onto Westside Rd.
  3. Continue 8.4km then turn left onto Bear Lake Main Rd.
  4. Continue 12km then take a right at the fork.
  5. Continue 9.9km along the gravel road then turn right, you should see a sign for Terrace Mountain Lookout.
  6. Follow this road up approximately 2.3km until it comes to a dead end in a roadblock. To begin the hike continue walking up this road until you see Terrace Mountain ahead.

Click to view this route on GoogleMaps!

GPS Coordinates:

  • Bear Lake Main rd turnoff: 49.941222, -119.504493
  • First fork: 49.996897, -119.600577
  • Terrace Mountain Lookout turnoff: 50.067392, -119.661044


  • Summit
  • Lake Views
  • Dog Friendly
  • No cell service